Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Latest news from Ecuador

The children of Ecuador have been having a whale of a time on the Book Bus since 2010. 
Sophie Karlsson is coordinating this year's project in Puerto Lopez 
(where humpback whales can be seen from the beach in July and August)

Sofia and an eager audience in Puerto Lopez
 "We were received with enthusiasm by the students and teachers when we first arrived at the schools around Puerto Lopez. The children were extremely curious and excited over what we had brought in our backpack, and when notebooks where handed out to each one of them there were a lot of smiling faces. After a presentation about ourselves and the cold countries in the north of Europe where we come from, the children were asked to draw a picture about their lives. Many families, trees, sunshine, oceans, boats and whales where being drawn.

Children exploring the world of books with Beth
The children showed a lot of interest in the first books we had brought and almost wanted to read them all at the same time. When we left the classrooms it was with a lot of wishes to come back soon, we felt happy to tell them that we would be back next week already!

With love from Puerto Lopez, Sofia and Beth"

The joy of reading